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ALIEN BEES - Mon investigation sur leurs produits
Ce sujet comporte 46 réponses et a été vu 13755 fois.
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5 Type
Membre régulier , , inscrit le 27-09-04
Jean Sébastien Lessard Tarmac Pictures - Photographie sportive
vendredi 18 novembre 2005

Salut a tous,

J’était en train de faire du ménage dans mes fichier et je suis tombé sur une conversation que j’ai eu avec les gens qui fabriques les produits alien bees, white lightning et light gear.

A l’époque j’était à la recherche de deux têtes de flash de studio, des soft boxes, parapluies et autres accessoires de studio. J’ai fait VRAIMENT beaucoup de recherches sur le sujet. Comparé ce qui se vendais sur EBAY, chez Royal photo et ailleurs.

De façon général, je n’aimais pas les produits « bon marché » en vente sur ebay, et j’avais peur de ne pas être en mesure d’en retouver si j’avais besoin d’en racheter par la suite. J’ai aussi regardé beaucoup les aurora genesis de chez L.L.Lozeau. Mis à part que je trouvais le prix plutôt assez élevé pour mon budget, c’est surtout qu’il n’existe pratiquement aucun feedback sur ces équipements sur le web qui m’a fait les mettres de coté.

Finalement je suis tombé sur le site des produits ALIEN BEES. De l’équipement studio, à très bon prix et avec beaucoup de commentaires sur le web. Certain bon, certains excellent. Je me suis donc mis à investiguer le sujet.


I’m interested in your product (probably 2 B800) but I don’t seem to find any place that have those. I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Do you have any authorised retailer in my area? I would also like to know, about light replacement is it easy to find out in my local store or is it a « propreritary » kind of light (i’m not talking about the modeling lamp) that I would hare to order from you. Do you know how long do they last and how much do they cost (for B400 and B800).

I would also like to know If your warranty include products sold to canadian buyers. Is there any reparing store in canada or your I have to ship them back to you?

Thanks a lot,

Hey Jean!

Thanks for your interest in AlienBees! We actually only sell direct, so you could place an order with online,, or over the phone, 1-877-714-3381. There is, however, a store that can repair them in Ontario. As for the flashtubes, they last for 200,000+ flashes and only cost $25.95us to replace. You would have to buy a replacement directly from us. The warranty for the Bees is 2 years and that does count for Canadians! The warranty on all the accessories is 1 year. Also, you have a 60-day money back guarantee, so if you don't like anything you buy, you can send it back to us and we will refund you the full cost, except shipping. I hope this helps you! If you have any other questions, please let me know... Have a great week!


Thanks the the reply,

I would like to know where is located the repair store in Ontario, witch city?

Can you give me the shipping fee for a B800 kit shipped to H2G 1Z9 (Montreal).

I would also like to know for how long have you been in business, and are you flashtubes proprietary? I have a friend is not able to find flash tube for his 5 year old strobe. I don’t want the kind of thing to happen to me.

Thanks a lot, you product seems really interresting.

Hey Jean...

The repair store is called KHB Photographix and it is in Mississauga, ON, and it is the only place that can repair our lights other than our store here in Nashville, TN.

I looked up what it would cost to ship a B800 to you, and it came up $15.20us. You will also be charged a brokerage fee and your GST/PST (I think that's what they're called) taxes. I'm not sure how much either of those will be though. That shipping would get it to you in about 4 business days.

AlienBees is a division of Paul C. Buff. Inc. We have been around for 2 years, but Paul has been making lights (White Lightning) for over 20 years. White Lightning has made several types of lights, several of which we do not carry any more, but we still carry all the parts, flashtubes, cords, etc. We can do repairs on any of the lights Paul has ever made, so you will not be left high and dry. You do have to buy the flashtubes for the Bees directly from us, so I recommend buying a spare at the time of your purchase in case something happens to yours.

I hope this helps you to make a decision. We would love to be in business with you... Please let me know if I can help you with anything else!


Hi, (again)

First of all, thanks a lot, for all the previous answers, you are VERY helpful.

I’m making up my mind, but I still have questions and since I can’t see them in person I have to ask you. I’m searching the web, in order to find other people experience about your products so I’m having more questions.

If I understand correctly the modeling lamp does not fluctuated as I change the flashtube intensity (it it on, of off). Am I correct?

Quote number 1
My only personal beef about the While Lightings is the way their speedrings attach to the housing with just millimeters of clearance from the flashtube and no guard or protection.
Source :

Is it the same for alien bees product?

Quote number 2
You're right about the speed ring connection; it is a pain in the neck, but I've kinda gotten used to it. Yep- you sometimes bump the flash tube with it it you're wrestling a big bank, but I've never broken one that way. You got me thinking about how I actually install soft boxes on them, and realize that I have this kinda automatic system that I guess I evolved into using. I grab one of the rods for the box in a way that allows me to twist my forearm underneath to support the weight of the thing, while with my other hand my fingers are plucking away on the little damned screws trying to get it to clamp on. In the wind, I'll grab an opposite corner of the box between my legs for leverage. Yup- I could see why it looks like a pain. I complained about this to Paul Buff a couple years ago at VISCOMM (try finding mister Bron or mister Balcar to bitch to in person) and when they released their new sytem the following year, sure enough, they had this cool new single point attachment system. I like to think he modified the design based on my expert input, but I doubt it
Source :

Is he talking about the way the speedring are built now? Are Alien bees speedring have the single point attachment system? I saw the picture of your speed ring on your website, but since you only show half of it, I can’t made up my mind about this.

I would also like to know with witch compagny do you do business with for shipping? Can you do it with USPS (with tracking)? I’m asking that because the brokerage fees are really lower than with other comagnies (ex : FEDEX, PURO, etc).

Thanks again,
Jean-Sebastien Lessard

Hey there...

You have several options with your modeling light. You can set it to track the intensity of the flashtube, you can set it to be a ready indicator (it will go off when you fire your light and will come back on when you are ready to shoot again), or you can turn it on or off. I hope that make s sense!

Regarding the quotes, the first one is talking about the older White Lightning Ultra series. It is a discontinued line that did have screws that you tightened to mount the speedring. The second quote is correct, though. The Bees have two prongs on the top that you squeeze together. This pinches all the fingers together to allow you to slip on your speedring, and then when you release the prongs, the fingers release and tighten the ring in place, which makes for quick and simple mounting.

And lastly, the shipping. We generally ship via UPS, and through them you would be responsible for you GST/PST taxes and a brokerage fee. We can ship with USPS, but it takes at least 30 days to track something, so if your order did get lost we wouldn't be able to replace it or reimburse you until we received that tracer... Also, with USPS I don't think you would have to pay a brokerage fee, but I'm not sure about your GST/PST taxes.

I think I've answered your questions... If not, please let me know, and also let me know if you come across anything else that makes you curious! I'm glad to answer any questions you have.


Hi Celia,

As you might have guessed, I still have questions for you.

I would like to know who are making your Umbrellas and Softboxes?

I already have one Umbrella 45 inches and a made by Photoflex and I’m wondering if you system will be compatible with my Photoflex product. I know I would hate to buy a speed ring for the s-box. Honestly, is it the same quality as Photoflex umbrelas and s.boxes? I’ve seen some umbrella that let “a lot” of light go throu (I’m not talking about the white ones that are used to that matter). And since, I’m really picky I would like to be sure of the quality of these accessories. You know that it’s hard to tell with a picture on a web site.

I also presently have a manfrotto lighting stands (052) with this type of attachment: 5/8" stud with 1/4-20" threaded tip. I’ve read somewhere on your web site that your lightning stand comes equip with this type of attachment, but I just want to be sure. (better safe than sorry).

For your own information, when shipping with USPS there is a flat rate for the brokerage fees. I always that way of shipment when I buy from the USA on ebay.

I’ve taken a look at your honeycomb grids, and there is something that is not clear to me. It’s written :

“The Mainframe can be used for grid attachment, as the grids can recess directly into the frame, and may then be used with other LiteMod accessories. It is not, however, required, as our honeycomb grids will snap directly into the outer lip of our unit’s standard 7-inch reflector as well”.

If I understand correctly I can use 7-inch honeycomb grids bought at my local store (or find used on ebay) with a B800. Am I correct?

I would like to know, when I will be ready to buy, should I send you an email detailling what I want, or would you prefer that I go throu the web based application?

Thanks again,

Jean Sebastien Lessard

Hi again!

All of our accessories are made by LightGear USA, which is the 3rd division of Paul C. Buff Inc. They are top quality accessories that are made specifically for our lights. You could use your Photoflex softbox with the Bees, but you would have to get a speedring that fits them. Our speedring will fit any of their softboxes except the Strip Domes, and it only costs $29.95us. Paul has a lot of integrity in his business, including LightGear USA.

You are correct about the light stands. Our mounts are 5/8ths of an inch and the Bees will fit on any stand with this size mount or smaller.

About the honeycomb grids, I don't think that other manufacturers grids will fit in our 7 in reflector. Our grids are made with a with a little spring that holds the grid into place and they are the right width to fit perfectly into the front. You are more than welcome to try other grids, but I'm just not sure they will fit.

Whenever you are ready to place an order, you can do so online,, or give us a call, 1-877-714-3381.

I hope I answered everything! As always, let me know when you think of any other questions...


Et voila, c’était ma petite enquête sur le sujet.

Bottom line, je me suis acheté 2 tête, softboxes, parapluies et je ne les aient jamais utilisé.

, , inscrit le 22-07-04
vendredi 18 novembre 2005

La recherche intensive, c'est bien toi ca :p

Je croi que 90% de la population ne ferait pas la moitie de ce que tu as fait pour acheter quelque chose..

Et pour ce qui est de l'utilite... avec la nouvelle maison, j'imagine que tu vas avoir un petit spot EXPRES pour ca ;)

Ou au pire.. ca me derange pas de leur mettre un peu d'usure pour toi :D

Thnx JS pour ces infos.. j'pense que certains ici vont en tirer profits puisque j'ai recemment entendu parler des gens qu'ils voulaient s'acheter des strobes

, , inscrit le 28-08-05 (Stéphane Gagné)
vendredi 18 novembre 2005

D'accord avec toi MOX , Personne ne fais autant de recherche que J.S avant d'Acheter quelque chose , je me souvient quand il a acheter sa Protege 5 ,ca lui a pris 6 mois je crois.

Membre régulier , , inscrit le 14-10-05
site web:
vendredi 18 novembre 2005

j'ai recemment commander 2 alien bees (B1600-B800) et a part de leurs qualiter, leurs services a la clientele sont incroyablement sympatiques.

60 ou 90 jours de garantie de satisfaction (j'ai oublier... mais c'est minimum 60 jours) - apres 1 mois d'essai, ma lampe du flash a briser, je les ai appeler et ils mont envoyer un nouveau, gratuit, et ils m'ont meme pas poser de questions!

pour leurs prix, c'est bien moins cher que ce qui vendent a LL lozeau... malgre que je n'ai jamais tester ceux de Lozeau... mais je crois pas qu'ils sont meilleurs au niveau qualiter/prix!

des flash a avoir pour amateurs ou professionels!


Membre régulier , , inscrit le 09-09-05
vendredi 18 novembre 2005

Ont peut se procurer ces produits la, a quel endroit???

Membre régulier , , inscrit le 14-07-05
François Canon Rebel 300D
vendredi 18 novembre 2005

Quote: fraggles

Ont peut se procurer ces produits la, a quel endroit???

et à qeulle prix environs ?

Membre régulier , , inscrit le 14-10-05
site web:
vendredi 18 novembre 2005

Jai commander les miens de leurs site > le prix pour le shipping et la douane varie avec ce que vous achetez, mais dans mon cas:

- 1 AB1600
- 1 AB800
- 2 unbrellas
- 2 stands
- 2 sacs pour les flash
- 1 sac pour les stands
- 1 honeycomb grid

le shipping etait a environs 25$ et la douane ~250$

... je ne recommende pas les stands ni les softbox de alienbee... tu peux pogner des meilleurs a au meme prix...

mais ca revient encore moins cher que LL.Lozeau...


, , inscrit le 02-05-05
--Benoit Gagné
samedi 19 novembre 2005

ca dlair a la mode ses flash la... bcp de personne en parle et sont super satisfait, jai bcp lue moi aussi sur ces flash la... bang for the buck que on dit en anglais, plein de feature de flash pro, aux pris des flash bon marché.

5 Type
Membre régulier , , inscrit le 27-09-04
Jean Sébastien Lessard Tarmac Pictures - Photographie sportive
lundi 21 novembre 2005

Quote: nekken

... je ne recommende pas les stands ni les softbox de alienbee... tu peux pogner des meilleurs a au meme prix...

mais ca revient encore moins cher que LL.Lozeau...


La seule chose que je dirait de faire attention, c'est que pour les softboxes, il faut avoir leur "speedring" pour les faire fitter sur le strobe. A moins que tu ai trouvé une alternative.

Pour ce qui est de leur trouvé un petit coin dans ma maison... ça c'est certain. Je suis en train de penser à laisser un petit studio maison monté en permanence dans mon sous-sol. De un, si il est déjà monté, je vais plus avoir envie de l'utiliser, et de deux, je trouve que ça ferai un bel élément de décoration. J'ai une grande pièce de 22-15pieds, mi-cinéma maison, mi-studio. Je crois que ça va être cool.

Enfin, le seul endroit où commender leur produits est chez directement. Pour la réparation, y'a un endroit en ontario qui les répares, donc pas de douanes à payer pour ça!

5 Type
Membre régulier , , inscrit le 27-09-04
Jean Sébastien Lessard Tarmac Pictures - Photographie sportive
lundi 21 novembre 2005

Quote: Marvel
D'accord avec toi MOX , Personne ne fais autant de recherche que J.S avant d'Acheter quelque chose , je me souvient quand il a acheter sa Protege 5 ,ca lui a pris 6 mois je crois.

Tu as raison, 6 mois pour ma P5. Imaginez, j'ai fait parti d'un group buy pour acheter des rim et tire d'hiver et je n'avais pas encore SIGNÉ pour ma P5. J'allais au meet du club dans ma tercel du temp.

Et vous avez pas idée de la recherche que j'ai fait pour acheter ma 10D et ma 28-135.

Ma devise : "L'important c'est pas de prendre une décision, c'est de savoir POURQUOI on l'a prise".